Monday, December 17, 2012

Update: I Want To Go Back To Therapy

Hello World...

How are you all doing? Hope great?
Today's post is about a step I hope to take in the next couple of month.

I found out about a place called PROJECT WALK a while back. They help people with spinal cord injury to recover, be strong,  and hopefully walk again.

When I found out about them, they were in AUSTIN, TX, and that was kind of far away from me.
Also when I found out, I was still in school and couldn't even pursue the opportunity because I wanted to finish my Nursing degree.

Anyhoo, Fast forward to after graduation... I discovered that project walk now has a branch in Dallas, TX, which is a WHOLE lot more closer to me.
I was happy and decided to go over there for a session.
Here's a picture of me at project Walk.

After my session there, I couldn't go back because of the out-of-pocket funding.
They don't take insurance and require each person to pay out-of-pocket.

When I posted the above picture on my facebook page and instagram as a way to tell my friends on there and inspire them that FAITH without WORKS is Nothing, I was amazed at the amount of people that sent me messages saying they were willing to donate to get me back to therapy.

With this show of kindness from people and after months of waiting and thinking hard about therapy, I finally decided to start a Get Lizzy Back To Project Walk Fundraising page.

My life since the car accident has been a long and interesting journey, But through it all, I have been able - by the grace of God - to maintain my faith that I will walk again.

It has been a trying period in my life, but GOD has been faithful and helped me through so much. I Thank God for wonderful family members, friends, and well wishers all around me.

As I stated before, I got my Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree despite being on the wheelchair, and I continue to push myself - Lol...ha. I just said PUSH - But... Anyhoo, I try not to place limitations on myself.

I am a firm believer that with GOD, all things are possible. And this is one of the main reasons why I went to project Walk. I believe that I will walk again, but I also know that Faith without work is nothing.

If you didn't click the previous link, Please CLICK HERE to be directed to the Fundraising page I started to get me back to Project Walk.

My prayer is that, doing this, coupled with my faith as well as God's Mercies will Get me back on my feet and walking again.

After I get the funds, I'll go to Project Walk, and Be sure to keep you all update through my blog.

Please keep me in your prayers.

I'll greatly appreciate whatever amount you choose to donate.

God Bless you and thanks for reading/Donating.

With Love, 
Till Later, Lizzy. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


This Blog Looks really abandoned. Lol...
The blog post is titled abandoned because I feel like I've ignored this blog.

Truthfully, yes I have but that's because I post on my other blog a lot more. THAT blog is my Hobby Blog and I post about random things on there.

Please CLICK HERE to check it out if you're interested.
I hope everyone who bothers to read this is doing alright and putting God First. He alone is awesome and worthy.

Life is going well for me and I can't complain. Once again, Follow my Other Blog to Keep up with me.

Here's a Picture of me from my last Birthday (August 2012), which I Blogged about in my other Blog HERE.

Take care y'all.
God Bless.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Little Update...

Hello All....

Well, to say I've abandoned this blog would be an understatement.

I Hope everyone is doing very well? That is, if anyone still checks here for updates... :-)

This is just an update to say I'm fine and well. I'm still believing, keeping my faith alive, and I know that My Miracle hour is on its way. As I stated in my Bella Naija Interview, I won't let anything keep me down, and I'm glad that God has been good to me till today.

I don't post much on here because I don't really know much that should be put on here, but I am still interested in Going to Nigeria to go advocate for disabled people.
I don't know exactly how I'll go by doing this, but I know that God will make a way.

I'm looking into contacting some NGOs. I'm seriously considering sending mail to some groups I've seen that already advocate for disabled people. If you know any groups, or companies that fit this description, please let me know by commenting below, or by sending me an email.

My dream is not dead, and I know that though it takes a while, I will make it to the finish line. :-D
We can cause change to happen and I'm not going to relent.

Oh and here's what I look like as at Last week.

P.S: I have ANOTHER BLOG I regularly post on. It's more of my Hobby Blog, But if you're interested in Checking it out, Please CLICK HERE to go there. 

That's it for now People.
Take care Y'all. God Bless.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year

Picture by Google
Hello all...

I know you must have heard so many of these by now, but I know my own is the one you've been waiting for all along.. abi? right? Don't lie, I know how you feel.. Neglected? Lol.. Sorry, I've just been occupied with some things. Ok, Ok, let's not drag this on... I Just want to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many Many Many more wonderful years to come in Jesus name. May this Year be all we wish for and more in Jesus name. Health, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Prosperity, Wisdom, Knowledge, Wealth, Success and everything God has in store for us shall be our portion in Jesus name. I pray that this year brings us all our heart desires. May God's plan for each and everyone of us be fulfilled. No Evil shall befall us or any of our loved ones in Jesus name. God speed in this year!!! Now Go out there and Conquer because we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS!!!


New years' day was so wonderful for me. Ringing in the year at church! Singing and dancing and glorifying his name. Then again at church on Sunday morning, praising the name of the most high. I lost my voice, but it was all worth it!

Thanks for reading. Till Later, God Bless.